Tuesday, January 21, 2014

She Walks in Beauty!

Hello again!!  Prayers for many blessings!!

Can't get over this crazy weather, but so thankful to be home safe and sound!!  Hope you are all in your comfy clothes enjoying the snow from the inside of your home! 


How many of you look in the mirror everyday and hate what you see?  Let's be honest here...we ALL have done it, and some of us do it a LOT!  Women-we look at ourselves and wish we had longer legs, smaller hips, a bigger chest...the list goes on and on.  Men-you may look at yourself and wish you had larger biceps, tighter abs, larger pecs-so on and so forth.  And while society may say "it's normal to want to change things about yourself," is it "normal "to HATE yourself, your body, your life?"

I recently started the journey of seriously getting  healthy and fit.  I am 26 years old.  Yes!  I did in fact just drop my age, and there are days I feel like I am 56.  Aside from battling the effects of a bad car accident that leave me sore and stiff most mornings, I am quick to find other parts of my body I, shall I say it, "HATE!"  And, I often find myself comparing my body to other women who seem to have it all together concerning fitness, eating healthy, and overall physical appeal.  Needless to say, neither one of these approaches to my body and wellness are helpful.  In fact, they are crippling emotionally, mentally, and physically.

I would have continued on this vicious cycle if it weren't for a wonderful friend and Sister in Christ who opened my eyes to the destructive path on which I was walking.  

I was talking to her one night, feeling rather sorry for myself, and I mentioned how I hate my arms.  And!  I laughed it off like it was no big deal, because truth be told, I am very insecure and self-conscious about these issues.  And being brutally honest and loving at the same time, she didn't let me get away with that for very long.  
She immediately responded with, "don't ever HATE any part of your body and then laugh it off.  You are beautiful-God made you perfect from the start.  We can't hate anything He made...if you want better arms, get em!"

I have to admit, I wasn't shocked by her response, but it did procure a feeling of conviction, and I found myself crying.  And I started thinking about God creating me and what true beauty looks like to Him.  I went through the bible to find verses that discussed these topics, and not surprisingly, I found quite a few.  Take a walk with me through the scriptures as I show you what I found! 

Genesis 1:27 says, "God created man in his own image."

Wait!  Read that again!  "God created me in HIS own image."  Wow!  How then can I HATE my body if I am created in God's image.  It's as if I am hating God himself...is it not?  I read this over and over and although I've heard this verse before, it takes on an entirely new meaning.  All those times I've complained about how I look or my weight or parts of myself, I am complaining to God and about God.  As a Believer, one who has been redeemed by the blood of Christ, how can I hate any part...how...how?

Psalm 139:13-14 says, "For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb.  I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.  Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well."

Again!  Conviction.  No way around this one.  God created every part of my being; from the obvious features seen by the naked eye, to the most finite details man has still yet to discover.  He took the care of an artist creating a beloved masterpiece and put it together part by part.  Everything about who I am is intentional and most certainly not a mistake.  Furthermore, I am to PRAISE God for his work in my life, and instead I complain and insult Him.  Never really thought of it that way either.  Yikes!  I can't imagine how it pains Him to hear the words I say aloud or the silent thoughts in my heart.  This is something my soul has to work on...one step at a time.  

 1 Corinthians 3:16 says, "Do you not know that you are God's temple, and that the Holy Spirit dwells within you?"  

I have heard this verse a million times; and somehow, it means so much more this time around.  Funny how God uses the most seemingly unlikely moments to reveal His TRUTH!  But then again, nothing He does is accidental.  Once again, I am learning to see my body as more than just flesh and bones.  More than just MINE.  This body is a tool of the Most High God.  It's His temple, His dwelling place.  How can I hate that?  How can I look at it in disgust?  Instead, I need to learn to love it and care for it.  And it needs to be done for much more than just cosmetic reasons.  

The transformation is from the inside out!  

And!  Aside from His beautiful work on the outside, God is also actively working on creating beauty on the inside-on the spiritual level-deep within my soul.  Clearly, my heart needs some serious adjustments! 

I then looked up a set of verses I know very well-and I am positive you've heard these several times too! 

Galatians 5:22-23 says, "the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. 

So wait!  Let's break this down.  While God wants us to care for our outer bodies, His temple; He also commands us to bear "good fruit" in our spiritual lives.  That means actively working on Patience when society says "hurry up!"  Gentleness when society says, "it doesn't matter who gets hurt!"  Self-control when society says, "if it feels right, do it."  Love when society says, "hate your enemies!"  Peace when society says, "this world is at war!"  Kindness when society says, "think only of yourself!"  Faithfulness when society says, "fidelity is dead!"  Joyfulness when society says, "without this, you can't be happy!" 


This is a stark reminder that true beauty is much deeper than skin and bones.  It's much more complex than a fit body, designer clothes, and perfect hair.  It's a beauty that shines from the inside the out!  

You can be the most physically attractive person, but if your heart is ugly, your beauty is superficial!   


I re-learned something really important that night talking to my friend and reading God's word.  This body is perfect, just the way it is.  God created it piece by piece without any mistakes.  To HATE any part is to look directly into the face of my Creator and say "You are a terrible artist-your work stinks!"  But!  It is my job to care for this temple, for it is the home of the Holy Spirit!  Leaving the temple in ruins both on the outside and inside is also an insult to God!  People see what is in your heart and that affects how they see you as a whole!  Let your Light shine before Men, so that God may be glorified!     

So!  I am going to make a conscious and intentional effort to 1. Thank God for fearfully and wonderfully making me 2. Take care of this temple to the best of my abilities and 3. Nurture the fruits of my spirit through prayer and the Word! 

With that said, I encourage all of you ladies and gentlemen to reevaluate how you look at yourself!  Look at yourself as a work of art; masterfully pieced together by the Great Sculptor.  Give thanks!  If you want to improve your health and get into shape-go for it!  Do it in a way that is healthy and God honoring.  I am more than certain you'll be pleasantly surprised with the end result.  And! It shouldn't be a "quick fix," but rather a lifestyle; a conscious effort. 

Prayers for blessings for all your endeavors!  Until next time!  God Bless! <3          


Sunday, January 19, 2014

Even though I Walk through the Valley!

Hello my Dear Friends!!

I pray your week went well and the weekend was restful.  I am preparing for a week that spans over 60+hours.  Oh the joys of working at a college bookstore the week classes start!  Not complaining..truly!  I am beyond grateful for the gift my managerial position has been for the last year.  God is indeed Faithful! 

I recently attended the funeral of my cousins' paternal grandmother.  It was a beautiful service and a celebration of her life.  Needless to say, it was also a time of mourning and sadness.  Death is never easy, even when the deceased is a Believer. 

 Even though we know she's in Heaven with our Father, the pain of losing her is still just as palpable.    

Death is a part of everyday life.  It is the final third in nature's cycle-Birth, Life, Death.  We see the birth of creation every Spring and Summer, and watch is slowly wither away in Fall and Winter.  

It's as if Creation breathes through each season.

However, what touched me most was the heartfelt message shared by the pastor officiating the service.  A man of abundant energy and passion, he brought forth a contagious joy regarding life, death, and faith.  I fell particularly in love with his message regarding the 23 Psalm.  

You know..the one that starts..."The Lord is My Shepherd..." 

In my times of desperation, uncertainty, and weakness, I have prayed this psalm as an incantation to my Heavenly Father-seeking His help, wisdom, and comfort.  Although I have recited this psalm from memory many times over, I never truly stopped to unpack its complex meaning.  Do you find yourself doing the same thing?  How often do we read scripture and take for granted that we simply "know" its content.  What if we took time to actually "KNOW" it-inside out?  How much more would God reveal Himself to us if we took the time to fall deeply in love with His Love Letter to us?  What would it be like if God only took time to "basically know His creation," instead of "knitting us in our mother's womb?"  

Scary thought isn't it?!        

For the last four days, I have not stopped brooding over message on the 23 Psalm.  It struck a cord deep within my heart.  

I have savored its beauty and thirsted after its truth like a dying man in the desert. 

If you'll take this journey with me, I would like to share what I learned that day, in the funeral home.  How God revealed Himself to me in an entirely refreshing way.  It goes without saying that God uses ALL things for the good of those who LOVE Him.  

 23 Psalm

1. The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. 

The job of the shepherd is to guard, protect, care, and love his sheep.  To make sure they have enough food to eat, a warm place to sleep, and are safe from all harm.  He sacrifices his safety, well-being, and sometimes his life for his flock.  Jesus is our Shepherd and we are His sheep.  He sacrificed His life on the Cross so that we may have eternal life with Him in Heaven.  All of our needs are taken care of because of His love!  

2. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.

Sheep aren't the smartest of animals.  Without the shepherd to guide them towards new fields on which to graze, they would die.  Furthermore, sheep are very skittish.  They will not go towards any moving water to drink.  The shepherd must lead his flock to water that is silent in order for them to partake.  Like sheep, we're pretty dumb on our own.  We make mistakes, because we don't think through to the consequences.  Jesus leads us out of the dead pastures in our lives, where we would remain and die, and leads us to fields that offer abundant life.  In addition, we don't like any ripples or upsets.  The minute we sense trouble, conflict, or difficulty, we run the other direction.  Jesus leads us through the rough waters and guides us towards a peace that passes our human understanding. 

3. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His namesake.

Like I said before, sheep cannot survive on their own.  However, there is one thing sheep know how to do and that is follow.  They know the shepherd's voice and will follow that voice wherever it calls them.  Jesus calls us to obedience as Christians.  Without Him, we will go our own way-a way that leads to Death.  However, if we listen, we will  hear His voice leading us along the path that leads to Life.  He desires for us to live full and abundant lives in Him.  That doesn't mean life will be without hardships, but it does mean we don't have to do it alone. 

4.  Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me. thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me.  

The shepherd has the taxing job of protecting His sheep from not only dying of starvation and thirst, but wild animals that prey on unsuspecting animals and rocks and thorns that ensnare. The rod is used to clear away any briers, clear away any rocks, and scare away snakes that attack sheep.  The staff, the big stick that looks like an upside down J, is used to pull a sheep up and away from danger.  The hooked part of the staff is placed under the sheep's belly and holds it in place until the shepherd can lift it away from impending danger.  We, as Believers, find comfort in the knowledge that Christ goes before us to protect us from danger both physically and spiritually. It shows that He will never leave us nor forsake us-especially in our darkest hour and greatest need.   

5. Thou preparest a table for me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.     

For us, as Christians, we are going to have many enemies; people who don't share our faith, dislike our openness, and don't want anything to do with Jesus.  Despite that, God still prepares a table or a feast for us in our lives.  He still provides for our needs and blesses us despite our persecution.  And!  If we are obedient to His will, others will see God's faithfulness.  The anointing of the head is symbolic for prosperity and rejoicing.  No matter what the world says or does, we as Believers are under the fold of Christ.  Our lives must reflect this truth and God will be glorified through us-and our cups will runneth over with His TRUTH! 

6. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the House of the Lord forever.

Despite the struggles, hardships, and failures we experience in this earthly life, God's Grace and Mercy are everlasting.  Even as Christians, we mess up and disappoint God.  We disobey and go our own way.  We're human, made of sinful flesh!  However, Christ's sacrifice on the Cross makes it possible to die to that flesh everyday and find LIFE everlasting through SALVATION.  If we are faithful to confess our sins, Jesus is faithful to FORGIVE.  The reward-eternity with Him in His Heavenly Home!!  

I found myself crying as the pastor unwrapped this precious gem.  How appropriate for the life celebration of a loved one!!!  What a comfort it was to be reminded of Christ's faithfulness in the darkest of valleys and the highest peaks.  

I felt refreshed, rejuvenated, renewed!!!

It doesn't, however, mean that I won't still make mistakes EVERY day.  But, I was reminded of something.  No matter how many times I disobey and wander away from the protection of my Shepherd, He will always come find me and bring me back into the safety of His arms!!  And!  It makes me less desirous to go my own way.  Why choose my own selfish paths when all they lead to is disappointments and hurts?  God's path may not always seem the most fun, and it may seem downright difficult; but, the end result is a blessing beyond anything I can ever imagine. 

With all this said, I encourage you to fall back in LOVE with the Word of the Lord.  It may seem to some as old, antiquated, and irrelevant.  But!!  It is full of very REAL life truths and promises that transcend time.  Don't just read the Bible to READ.  Read the Bible to LIVE!! 

May you be blessed in the coming week.  If you are in a valley, take heart!  Your shepherd goes before you to lead you out!  If you are on a mountain peak, rejoice and give thanks!!  Either way, you are NOT alone!