Wednesday, September 24, 2014

"FALL"ing in Love!

Hello, hello, hello!!! 

Wow!  I can hardly believe the last time I wrote was nearly TWO MONTHS ago!  Life has been so filled with events and graduate studies, that I've found it very difficult to sit down and write for pleasure.  I have missed this therapeutic activity and hope to purposefully find time to write once again.  

I pray you are all well and are blessed!  So much has happened, I hardly know where to begin.  

I just want to write a short post, ya know, to get myself back into the swing of things.  In celebration of the arrival of FALL, my favorite season, I took some time to simply enjoy the beauty of God's creation.  

In the midst of what has been an insanely, crazy two months, nothing is more rejuvenating than pausing to absorb the majestic, splendor of God's craftsmanship.

I recently went to visit a friend, who lives up in the mountains of Pennsylvania. Completely and utterly jealous!  South Jersey equals flat land, and I am a lover of the mountains.  As most of us know, the north is kissed by the touches of Fall several weeks sooner than the states farther south.  As we drove around the paths and rolling hills of his hometown, I was in awe of the stunning beauty.  I believe I may have mentioned it to him a time or two-or perhaps ten. 

The leaves were already turning various hues of brilliant oranges, fiery reds, bold yellows, and luscious purples.  The air carried a crisp scent of leaves, mulch, burning wood, and everything else that represented Fall.  I could have stayed there forever.  My senses were overwhelmed, and I escaped, if not for a moment, to a peaceful, serene place in my soul.  Content to just be still and forget the stresses I had left at home and to which I would soon return. 

I thanked the Lord for this time, fleeting as it was, and prayed I could learn to find that peace anywhere.  I was reminded of the verse 

Psalm 46:10

For a worrier like myself, this is often easier said than done.  But!! Here's the catch!! It doesn't need to be.  How often do I unnecessarily tax myself emotionally, mentally, and spiritually simply because of my lack of faith and trust?  How often do we ALL get in the way of God's work and will in our lives?  How often, if we simply shut up and listened, could save ourselves hours, days, or even weeks worth of fretting, stress, and worry?  

Thankful to serve a God who is infinitely PATIENT.  Infinitely GRACIOUS.  Infinitely MERCIFUL!  Without Him, there is NO PEACE.  Without Him, there is NO JOY.  Without Him, there is NO HOPE.  So, when I am tempted to allow my fears, doubts, and worries to consume me like a raging fire, I stop and breathe in the serenity of His Creation, drink up the promises found in His Word, and surrender to His Calling to my soul.

May you take time to find Peace in the Lord this week and the weeks to come!  

Until Next Time! <3