Sunday, January 26, 2014

And I Declare.....

Hello My Dear Friends!

May you truly be blessed in all things!  

You know what would be a blessing right now?  Warmer weather!  I don't know about you, but I have had just about enough of waking up to 5* temps.  Looking forward to the days that reach the 60's!  


A year ago today, a night much like this one, my life changed forever.  A couple of friends and I were in a bad car accident that left my friend's car completely totaled and me with physical injures with which I am still battling.  In addition to the physical aliments, I was left emotionally and mentally exhausted.  I suffered from nightmares months afterwards and was skittish when behind the wheel.  Thankfully, I can say that most of those symptoms have abated.  Some days are worse than others, but overall, I am back to myself! 

The greatest change, however, was spiritually.  I am fully aware I could have died that night.  No more than ten minutes prior to the accident, I considered not buckling my seat-belt, because I was having difficultly getting it to latch.  I figured, "what the heck, we're only five minutes away."  Truly I tell you, God spoke to me that night.  I heard Him tell me "Buckle the belt; tonight you're going to need it."  Thankfully I listened.  

I faced Death that night, but God said "NOT YET!"  

In the weeks following the accident, I was home recovering and feeling rather sorry for myself.  I was bitter and often questioned God with the famous "WHY?"  While reading my bible one night, I came across the verse in Jeremiah 29:11-13, which reads "For I know that plans I have for you." says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.  In those days when you pray, I will listen.  If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me."  

Ha!  I thought.  This is part of your plan God?  What good does this do?  I'm practically an invalid! 

As I continued searching for verses, I came across Romans 8:28, which reads, "And we know that God causes ALL things to work together for the good of those who love God, and are called according to His purpose for them." 

Wait!  What?!?  You honestly expect me to believe this is for my good?  Lord!  Really?  What purpose does this serve?

And as I railed against God in my selfishness, I got to thinking.  What if God did have a greater purpose that I could not initially see?  What if I, as His creation, served a purpose for Him brought forth through the events of the accident and the recovery period?  What if I had a chance to glorify God with how I reacted? And!  What about my testimony?

I then came across several verses that put it all into a different perspective and drastically altered my attitude.   

Psalm 19:1, "The Heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims His handiwork.       

 When I take time to be still and enjoy the glorious creation around me, I am in complete awe of God's handiwork.  Everywhere I look, I see His signature; His hand-print.  To the vast colors of each season, to the intoxicating floral scents; the buzzing of bees, the chirping of crickets; the whistling wind-everything declares His work! 

Revelation 4:11, "Worthy are you our Lord and God, to receive glory, and honor, and power, for you created all things, and by your will they existed and were created."

This verse in particular convicted me of several things.  God created the earth and everything in it and on it to bring Him glory and joy.  So!  Being His most precious creation [humanity], I too am to bring God glory and joy.  Consequently, my actions, my words, my thoughts are all part of that equation.  But!  Sadly I know I do not always declare the glory of the Lord.  And!  If I am aware that my testimony is not always God glorifying...what does it glorify?  

When people see me or hear me, what do they think?  Do they see Jesus in my words or see His love in my actions?  Or do they see a hypocrite who says one thing and does another.  Or claims to love like Jesus, but gossips about co-workers and customers? 

As I continued to read more verses, I broke down into tears of shame.  How often do I send mixed messages to those around me?  How often do I dishonor the name of Christ?  As a Believer, we are called to be Jesus to the world of Believers and Non-Believers alike.  How often do I truly do that? 

As I have said before in quite a few posts, being a Christian does NOT guarantee a life of sunshine and butterflies.  If anything, it guarantees challenges and heartbreaks.  Life in Christ means I DIE to myself EVERYDAY so that I can LIVE in Christ.  Life in Christ means facing persecution and ridicule from family, friends, and strangers alike.  Life in Christ means giving of yourself and sometimes receiving absolutely nothing in return.  Life in Christ means biting back words of hate but speaking the TRUTH in LOVE.  Life in Christ means to take up the CROSS EVERYDAY.  Life in Christ means DECLARING THE GLORY OF THE LORD!

Life in Christ isn't about me anymore.  Without Him, TRUE LIFE doesn't exist.

Therefore, as His creation we are called to display/live out various characteristics.  Let's revisit one of the topics I discussed in last week's blog.  Christ spoke many times about the spiritual responsibilities of Believers.  Thus, I am re-posting what I wrote last week, because I believe so strongly in this TRUTH! 

He [Christ] commands us to bear "good fruit" in our spiritual lives.  That means actively working on Patience when society says "hurry up!"  Gentleness when society says, "it doesn't matter who gets hurt!"  Self-control when society says, "if it feels right, do it,"  Love when society says, "hate your enemies!"  Peace when society says, "this world is a war!"  Kindness when society says, "think only of yourself!"  Faithfulness when society says, "fidelity is dead!"  Joyfulness when society says, "without this, you can't be happy!" 

How often does my life testify to the work of the Spirit and declare the Glory of the Lord?

Now!  I am not writing this to point an accusing finger, because believe me, I fail at this EVERY SINGLE DAY!  I am, however, asking you to take a reflective moment to examine what your life represents; what does you life declare?  When people see you, do they see someone who is "all about me?"  Do they see someone who "practices what they preach?"  Do they see unconditional compassion and love?  

What do you want them to see? 

As you begin this week, fresh from the weekend, I pray you'll take time each day to reflect on what your life declares.  It's not an automatic change and most days you'll probably find it a struggle to love those who hate you, call out the gossipers when you agree with what's being said, and display peace when your schedule is insanely hectic.  But!  Remember, you don't do this Life alone, and your strength is not your own.  

The Darkness of this world cannot overcome the Light of Christ in your life!  Shine Brightly!!! 

Until next time; God Bless! <3