Good morning all!
Yesterday, I had the blessed opportunity to celebrate Thanksgiving with my family and closest friends. It was a day filled with great food (most which are eaten only once a year), laughter, and a ton of love. It was a day that warmed my spirits!
As I take this time to reflect, I realize what makes this Holiday Season SO special. It isn't about complaining about what you don't have or want, but rather what you DO have. I may not have a ton of money or material possessions, although God has blessed me with exactly what I need in both departments; but, I do have a lot of things money cannot buy!
I have a wonderful family whom I love VERY much, even though some days test that love, and friends who are simply irreplaceable. I have my faith in the LIVING GOD who brings me through each day stronger than the previous one! I have memories that will last me a lifetime.
Yesterday's devotion opened my eyes to what blessings come from being Thankful! The devotion(in abbreviated version) reads,
"A THANKFUL ATTITUDE opens windows of heaven. Spiritual blessings fall freely onto you through those openings into eternity. Moreover, as you look up with a grateful heart, you get glimpses of Glory though those windows. You cannot yet live in heaven, but you can experience foretastes of your ultimate home. Such samples of heavenly fare revive your hope...thankfulness is not some sort of magic formula; it is the language of Love, which enables you to communicate intimately with Me. A thankful mind-set does not entail a denial of reality with its plethora of problems. Instead it rejoices [in the midst of trials and tribulations].
I also understand that some situations are dire and desperate for some individuals or families and having a Thankful spirit may seem nearly impossible. But, remember that no day is a complete failure, and God uses ALL things for His Glory! If you are struggling today or this month, or even this year, have HOPE. God is not finished with you yet! Even in the midst of the most seemingly harrowing situations, there are things for which to be thankful! Stop! Take a moment to count those blessings!
As we now enter the "official" Season of Christmas, give freely, whether it be of your time or love. And remember to always GIVE THANKS!
God Bless!
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