Friday, August 16, 2013

Where Does My Heart Beat Now?

Hello to all my beautiful (and handsome) friends!  I pray you are doing well and are blessed!  Wow! Nearly two months since my last post...I am seriously slipping.  This summer has been one filled with adventure, and I wouldn't change one moment!

In a world often inundated with hate and sorrow, there is ONE thing that still reminds us that good still exists.  What might that be you ask?  Easy..think really hard...YEP you've got it!  


When all seems amiss, LOVE makes everything right once again.  Whether it is expressed in words or actions, engagements or weddings, birth or death...LOVE is present one way or another.

This season in particular has been one OVERFLOWING with love for my friends and family.  I have witnessed FIVE weddings just between the months of May and August.  Seriously....a lot of love happening here!  I just adore weddings and everything about them.  My favorite part, however, is when the bride and groom first see one another as the bride makes her way down the aisle.  I love to watch the groom's facial expressions change from anxiety to wonder.  

His joy in seeing the love of his heart coming towards him is priceless...and it gets me every time!

As I reflect on the beauty of weddings and the pure, unadulterated love on display-it got me to thinking.  If man and woman can love so deeply, how much greater is Christ's love for us?!?  Think about it!  Weddings and marriages are a common theme within God's Word.  In fact, it appears at least 14 times between the Old and New Testaments.

One of my favorite verses, Ephesians 5:25-27 says, " Christ gave himself up for her,  that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish."

Christ is the PERFECT bridegroom.  Having relentlessly pursued and wooed His bride; He displays love and affection until her heart is completely captured.  In a boundless and unbreakable bond of devotion, the bride and her groom are wed amid much celebration.  This is an image of Christ's sacrifice for us upon the cross and His gentle but relentless pursuit of our heart and soul.  Once we are joined with Christ through Salvation, our bond is unbreakable, and we are joined with Him, just as a husband and wife come together in earthly matrimony.  

Furthermore, God's LOVE is perfect in the fact that he gave us his most precious gift..Jesus.  We all know these verses well.  John 3:16-17 says "For God SO LOVED the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that WHOSOEVER believes in Him, shall NOT perish but have eternal life.  For God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world may be SAVED through Him!"   

Wow!  How awesome is our God who loves us SO PERFECTLY!

As I pray for these five new couples, I also pray for my future husband.  As a single woman, marriage is often on the forefront of my mind.  I won't lie to isn't always easy seeing all my friends getting married.  My heart yearns to be joined with my soul mate, and I can't help but doubt my time will indeed come!  However!  God reminds me His timing is PERFECT, and He should be my first and only delight if I am to truly know how to love and delight in my husband.  

For all you single women and men...continue to pray for your future spouse.  Bring them to the feet of our Heavenly Father.  Trust fully in His perfect plan!

For my newlywed friends, may God bless your marriages and lives together.  May you seek His wisdom in all you do.  May you show each other the same love Christ shows you!  Love much, laugh often, and live fully!  God Bless you all! 

To those of you who have been married for a while, take a moment to show your spouse how much they mean to you.  The small things often mean the most!  Thank God for bringing you your best friend and for blessing your years together!! 

For my single friends...keep praying and trust in God's plan!  Your time will come!! 

God Bless!  Much love for you all!!!! <3 


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