Saturday, December 6, 2014

What IF??


A quick reflection for the few minutes of free time I had today. 

"Perfect Love casts out ALL fear [and replaces it with Hope.]"  

How much simpler would life be if we rested in this unadulterated, yet profoundly powerful TRUTH! 

How much more then would we open our hearts?  Give of ourselves? Trust in a Greater Plan for our lives. Trust in a Creator who fashioned us in the depths of our Mother's womb?

How much more then would we take in the small blessings? The simple joys? The fleeting moments and memories?

How much more then would we give thanks for each day?  Love deeper; purer?  Laugh harder.  Cry more freely?


Not until we have experienced paralyzing Fear.  Drowned in Despair.  Walked the path of Shame.  Lost all Hope


Only then can we fully accept His perfect Love.  Pure Redemption.  Undeserved Grace.  Unmerited Mercy


How do we get there? What journey must we take?  What mountains must we climb.  What valleys must we endure? What darkness must we stumble through before seeing the light?


Each of us has a custom story written long before the dawn of time. Each of us has a final destination.  But if we are not open to listening, learning, and looking along the way; then the finish means nothing, shows nothing, serves nothing. 

SO THEN....   

So then in this Season of New Beginnings, where will you start? Where will you begin anew?  Where will you end? 

Until Next Time <3 

Friday, October 3, 2014

Sticks and Stones.....

Hello again!

I'm up rather early today, for no particular reason whatsoever, so I figured I'd get in some writing.  I've been doing quite a bit of reflecting on the power our words have to act as a catalyst for either a positive or negative outcome.  Too often, we are quick to simply blurt out the first response that comes to mind, failing to consider the possible ramifications.  I know I'm one of the guiltiest when it comes to "lacking a filter," as to which it's often referred.  My friends know "if you don't want the full honest truth, don't ask me."  I don't sugar coat much, and while that is generally not a bad outlook, I know I've hurt others with either my tone or choice of words, even if my intentions were to simply "tell it like it is."

So, I decided to go on a scavenger hunt through to scriptures to find what God says about the power of words....A surprise there.  Here are a few of scriptures that stood out to me.


These verses are just a few out of a list of MANY that outlines and discusses how words, though small, can have a huge impact on our lives and especially the lives of others.  Take a moment today to consider how your words and tone have the power to either hurt or help.  Those extra few seconds could be the most valuable time you spend all day!  

Sticks and Stones

Sticks and Stones may break my bones, 
But words can never hurt me!

A clever lie we all believed, but here's the brutal truth
Sticks can hurt, and stones can kill, 
And words can utterly destroy me!

So from now on, I'll stop and think,
On these few simple truths. 
Do my words love, do my words build,
Or are they a tool that kills? 


Until Next Time! <3 

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

"FALL"ing in Love!

Hello, hello, hello!!! 

Wow!  I can hardly believe the last time I wrote was nearly TWO MONTHS ago!  Life has been so filled with events and graduate studies, that I've found it very difficult to sit down and write for pleasure.  I have missed this therapeutic activity and hope to purposefully find time to write once again.  

I pray you are all well and are blessed!  So much has happened, I hardly know where to begin.  

I just want to write a short post, ya know, to get myself back into the swing of things.  In celebration of the arrival of FALL, my favorite season, I took some time to simply enjoy the beauty of God's creation.  

In the midst of what has been an insanely, crazy two months, nothing is more rejuvenating than pausing to absorb the majestic, splendor of God's craftsmanship.

I recently went to visit a friend, who lives up in the mountains of Pennsylvania. Completely and utterly jealous!  South Jersey equals flat land, and I am a lover of the mountains.  As most of us know, the north is kissed by the touches of Fall several weeks sooner than the states farther south.  As we drove around the paths and rolling hills of his hometown, I was in awe of the stunning beauty.  I believe I may have mentioned it to him a time or two-or perhaps ten. 

The leaves were already turning various hues of brilliant oranges, fiery reds, bold yellows, and luscious purples.  The air carried a crisp scent of leaves, mulch, burning wood, and everything else that represented Fall.  I could have stayed there forever.  My senses were overwhelmed, and I escaped, if not for a moment, to a peaceful, serene place in my soul.  Content to just be still and forget the stresses I had left at home and to which I would soon return. 

I thanked the Lord for this time, fleeting as it was, and prayed I could learn to find that peace anywhere.  I was reminded of the verse 

Psalm 46:10

For a worrier like myself, this is often easier said than done.  But!! Here's the catch!! It doesn't need to be.  How often do I unnecessarily tax myself emotionally, mentally, and spiritually simply because of my lack of faith and trust?  How often do we ALL get in the way of God's work and will in our lives?  How often, if we simply shut up and listened, could save ourselves hours, days, or even weeks worth of fretting, stress, and worry?  

Thankful to serve a God who is infinitely PATIENT.  Infinitely GRACIOUS.  Infinitely MERCIFUL!  Without Him, there is NO PEACE.  Without Him, there is NO JOY.  Without Him, there is NO HOPE.  So, when I am tempted to allow my fears, doubts, and worries to consume me like a raging fire, I stop and breathe in the serenity of His Creation, drink up the promises found in His Word, and surrender to His Calling to my soul.

May you take time to find Peace in the Lord this week and the weeks to come!  

Until Next Time! <3       

Saturday, July 5, 2014

For the Beauty of the Earth

Hello again my dear friends!

This is a reflection on one of the final days of my vacation. 

I am sitting in a rented lake house, enjoying a cool, refreshing breeze, while the sun gently kisses my face.  The birds are busily chirping in the trees and flying with effortless grace across the expansive body of water called Lake Winnipesaukee (pictured above).  The water is perfectly still, reflecting the bordering trees with the clarity of a freshly etched piece of crystal.  I soak in the grandeur of the sharply cut mountains that create an immovable backdrop against a stunning, bright blue sky with nary a cloud in the sky.  I breathe in the fresh sent of grass and flowers of various aromas.  My senses are simply overwhelmed by all of the beauty, and I sigh in deep contentment.  

If I could freeze time; I would stay like this forever.  Daily life with its responsibilities and demands somehow manages to strip away this euphoric feeling, often leaving me feeling used, abused, and stripped to the bare depths of my soul. 

Question is...does it HAVE TO or do we LET IT?

Many times through the scriptures, God reminds us of His eternal PEACE and CONTENTMENT.  Here are several scripture passages that remind me of His promises!

Matthew 11:28

Psalm 4:8

Exodus 33:14

Philippians 4:6-7 

No matter the experiences of this life, take time to step back and reflect on the Lord's promises of FAITHFULNESS.  You may not always "feel happy" but contentment is a permanent condition, constant choice, and intentional practice of the SOUL.  It is an understanding; a peace that transcends the superficial human emotion that takes you to a place of supernatural connection with our Heavenly Father.  Allow Him to take you to that place daily.  

Until Next Time <3    


Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Tranquility....Hearing God's Voice in the Stillness!

Hello again my dear friends!  

It has been over a month and a half since I have last written.  Since my May 11th post, I began my official grad school courses, and I must admit-I have been overwhelmed.  I have missed blogging, and while on vacation-hope to get in a few posts!  

I pray you are blessed, and healthy, and enjoying the start of SUMMER!!!  

Yesterday morning I arose at an early hour-5:15 a.m. to be exact.  Now, for those of  you who know me...mornings are NOT my thing.  But, for some reason, I am pulled out of my peaceful sleep, wide awake, and somewhat restless.  So, I decide to get dressed and make myself a cup of coffee.  While I am waiting for the coffee to brew, I sit at my kitchen table-looking out into my backyard.  I catch a glimpse of the sun through the trees.  I instantly get up, grab my coffee mug, and head outside on my front steps.  Here is what I see.....

As I stand on my front steps, clutching a piping hot cup of my favorite morning brew, I am awestruck at the Lord's handiwork.  I watch the sun creep up over the horizon, slowly spreading light and warmth over the Earth.  I look around and watch as the rays reach out like long, graceful fingers; gently caressing the tress and planting a sun-kissed glow on the grass and flowers.  The reflection of the sun on the glass panes of the church windows sparkle like bright, flawless diamonds-and for a moment, I am blinded by the brilliance.  The shadows frolic happily across the roof of the church, as if to say, "at long last, I can rest until yet again, evening returns."

These are the few precious moments for which we take for granted.  Too often we are too busy to simply STOP and drink in the Lord's gifts and blessings; to stand in wonder of His Creation-His Masterpiece.  It is in these quiet moments, with only the birds busily twittering away, that my heart is still and quiet, and I can feel my Father pull me into His arms and hold me in a warm, comforting embrace.  In this moment, I am reminded of His abounding Love for me and His unfailing Mercy and Grace.  Mind you; He reminds me of these things all the time-but a quiet heart and soul is one most ready to listen and receive. 

May you make time to soak in the Lord's blessings and allow Him to remind you how DEEPLY and PERFECTLY you are LOVED and TREASURED!!! 

Until Next Time <3 

Sunday, May 11, 2014

God Bless Mothers!!

Hello again!

First, I have to say, what an absolutely stunning day!!!  When I woke up this morning to a gorgeously bright sun, birds chirping, and a warm breeze, I was overwhelmed by the beauty of God's creation. Overwhelmed to tears of joy and thankfulness.  What a perfect day for Mother's Day.

I just want to take a moment to lift up an extra Prayer of Thanks for the blessing of my Mom.  I know I don't tell her nearly enough how much she means to me.  I know I don't express my gratitude for the sacrifices she's made over the years nearly as often as I should.  I know I don't tell her "I Love You" nearly enough times in a day.  So today, I am making sure to do it all.  

Mother's Day is a wonderful reminder and celebration of the blessing and gift of our Moms.  However, it shouldn't begin and end here.  Sure, it's nice to give Mom a bouquet of flowers, cook her favorite meal, send her to a spa, and shower her to love and admiration.  After all, she deserves it!  But!  Let's not stop giving thanks for Mom after today is finished.  Let's make sure to let her know how cherished and treasured she is 24/7, 365 days, and 52 weeks in a year.  

And for those of you who have lost your Mom, my thoughts and prayers are with you today.  I know today is emotionally difficult, but instead of dwelling in sorrow; take time to remember and cherish the precious memories you DO have of your Mother.  While she may not be here physically, her love lives on through you, and her hand print is forever embossed on your heart! 

Also!  I want to give a shout-out to all of  my extra "Moms" who God has so graciously placed in my life.  From my boss at work, to my wise sisters in Christ, to my favorite seamstress, and my bible study leaders; you all play an important role in mentoring, guiding, and loving me throughout my life.  Thank you for standing beside me, listening to me when I need an ear, holding my hand in times of struggle, holding me accountable when I am out of line, and most importantly-loving me unconditionally!  Today, I celebrate the gift you are to me!! 

God Bless all the Moms out there!  Today, we celebrate YOU!! 

Until Next Time! <3 

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Encouraging Word-What we WANT is not always what we NEED

Hello, hello, hello!

It has been far too long since I last posted.  Forgive my extended absence.  My computer is on the brink of dying and often freezes and shuts down on me.  This may be in fact the last blog post I submit on this laptop.  I love technology, but sometimes it is more trouble than it's worth.  You ALL know what I am talking about.  

I recently posted a quote on my GoodandFaithfulServant Facebook Page regarding TRUST.  

If you haven't had a chance to visit my page, please do.  Would love to read your comments and welcome any posts you would like to share :) 


Trust is not something that comes easily to me.  In fact, it is sometime I struggle with daily.  Trust requires an element of vulnerability that is terrifying.  I like control and knowing what to expect.  Surprises and change and I don't get along too well.  

If you've read previous posts, you may have come across the one titled "God Changed the Dream I Dreamed."  In this post, I described my struggle in finding a teaching job after graduating college with my degree in 2010.  I was determined to teach despite innumerable mailed resumes and numerous failed interviews.  I refused to accept the possibility that God was calling me somewhere other than teaching.  After all, how could He allow me to spend 4 years of my life studying and learning a skill I was never actually going to use?  I was the person banging at every closed door and desperately trying to pry open the windows too.  

I am thick-headed; don't deny it-you're a bit stubborn too.  It took being knocked down and shut out one too many times for me to FINALLY understand that God was NOT going to open up teaching opportunities despite my best efforts.  

However, He didn't leave me down and out.  He has placed wise and caring people in my life who call me out, hold me accountable, pick me up, and hold me when I am broken.  God used a wonderful friend of mine to tell me to "stop moping, and start seeking God's will-not my own." 

Long story short, another friend of mine suggested I look into Speech Pathology for my Masters.  At first, I was resistant, but she encouraged me to at least check it out.  After all, what did I have to lose?  

Over a year later, I am starting my first two graduate courses for, you guessed it, Speech Pathology.  The journey to this point has been long and difficult.  God never let me slack in my need for Him.  Every time I got just a bit too comfortable in my own abilities, He reminded me ONLY with Him are ALL THINGS POSSIBLE!  

So, when you think you know best and attempt to tell God what to do, be prepared for Him to lovingly but firmly turn your world upside down.  What we WANT is not always what God knows we NEED.  I for one am beyond THANKFUL I am not left to my own devices.  I shudder to consider what a mess my life would be. 


FAITH=Not always UNDERSTANDING God's plan, but TRUSTING it nevertheless.  

Let God radically transform you ONE BABY STEP AT A TIME!

Until Next Time! <3 


Sunday, April 13, 2014

To Blame or Not to Blame-That is the Question!

Hello again!  

Can I just say what GORGEOUS weather we are having!  Like HELLO PEOPLE!  It's beautiful!  I almost forgot what the sun looked and felt like after this crazy winter we've experienced.  In love!!  Hope you are taking time to enjoy God stunning creation!!!

Quick thought for today! 

Should we feel guilty by how someone reacts to something we've said and done?  Additionally, should we be held responsible for the actions another person takes based on actions we've taken?   

This is something I have been brooding over for the last week or so and I am torn between the answer NO! and YES!  And!  Frankly I think it can go both ways.

I've often heard the argument "You can't hold yourself responsible for what he/she did.  God only holds you responsible for what YOU do!"  In fact, I just used this argument with someone close to me who is going through a difficult time.  And! In her situation, it works.  But!  I don't think this is a universal argument- as every situation varies.  

"YES!" Argument 

Truth is, God DOES hold us accountable for what we do and how it affects the choices others make.  Let me give you an example.  If you are hanging out with a friend who struggles with alcohol addiction but you still order a drink; you're placing that temptation and desire in front of your friend to consume the very thing she is fighting against.  Did you physically force a drink down her throat?  NO!  At least, I certainly hope not; but YOU did reintroduce the problem.  Now, the potential for her to drink again is increased.  Is every situation the same?  NO!  Will every recovering alcoholic who sees beer or wine choose to drink again?  NO!  But!  It certainly isn't helping them in their recovery.  Are you responsible for their addiction?  NO!  But you can take a responsible role in helping them continue their healing process! Therefore, we must be considerate of our decisions and the choices we make privately or publicly.  They have a greater impact than we realize.      

1 Corinthians 

"But you must be careful so that your freedom does not cause others with a weaker conscience to stumble."  

"NO!" Argument

We are however, not responsible for every action someone takes in response to something we've said and done that was justified.  Let me give you another example.  You and your boyfriend have dated since you were freshmen in high school, and you're now out of college and ready to start your lives as adults.  You've remained pure in your relationship; choosing to save yourselves for marriage. In fact,  marriage and future plans were definitely topics on your minds.  However, irreconcilable differences between you causes a fissure in the once happy relationship, and you decide to break up with your longtime beau.  In his anger and hurt, he gets together with several different girls; breaking the once promised bond of celibacy you shared.  About a month later, he texts you and says "I've made so many mistakes since we broke up.  I've slept around and started partying.  It's your fault, because I only did this to forget you.  If you had just stayed with me, I wouldn't have done these things!"  Are you responsible for your ex taking a turn on the wild side?  NO!  Should you feel guilty for making a choice you felt was best and get back together with him?  BIG NO!  

Reminder!!!  However, despite his hurt and anger, you should still hold yourself responsible for how you react and respond.  God WILL hold you accountable for the choices you make. 


With this said, whether or not we are justified or gravely mistaken in the decisions we make, we are held accountable by our Heavenly Father.  It's easy to say, I can't be responsible for what he or she does, and it's not my problem or business what they do.  But!  We should, nevertheless, strive to live our lives as a testimony of our faith and our commitment as followers of Jesus Christ.  If you are ever doubtful regarding the decisions or choices you are going to make, it is probably a good idea to reconsider them before acting out on those decisions.  

Blessings for you at the start of Holy Week!  Take time to prayerfully consider all you do!  

Remember!  You may be the first glimpse of Jesus someone sees! 

Until Next Time! <3  



Encouraging Word-Hallelujah! All I have is Christ! Hallelujah! Jesus is my Life!

Good Afternoon!

Prayers for you and God's Blessings upon your Life! 

I heard this song today at church and HAD to share it with you.  It broke me of my pride, and I wept as I choked out the words! May they be encouraging to you and may you meditate on the truth they speak!  Jesus loves you more than you'll EVER be able to comprehend on this side of Heaven.  But take each day to learn about His love and LOVE Christ through the testimony of your life!!!  

Hallelujah!  All I have is CHRIST!  Hallelujah!  Jesus is my LIFE!! 

I once was lost in darkest night.   Yet thought I knew the way.  The sin that promised joy and life, had led me to the grave.  I had no hope that you would own a rebel to Your will.  And! if You had not loved me first, I would refuse you still.  

But as I ran my hell-bound race, indifferent to the cost.   You looked upon my helpless sate, and led me to the Cross.  And!  I beheld God's love displayed.  You suffered in my place.  You bore the wrath reserved for me.  Now all I know is GRACE!  

Hallelujah!  All I have is Christ! Hallelujah!  Jesus is my LIFE! 

Now, Lord, I would be Yours alone and live so all might see.  The strength to follow Your commands, could never come from me!  Oh Father!  Use my ransomed life in any way You choose!  And!  Let my song forever be my only boast is YOU!!   


Your life is so beyond precious to the Father!  So precious, He gave His only Son to suffer the worst DEATH, battle HELL, and RISE AGAIN for YOU!!!!  

Blessings for you at the start of HOLY WEEK!  

Jesus paid it all!  All to Him I owe!  Sin had left a crimson stain! HE washed it white as SNOW!   

Until Next Time! <3 

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Encouraging Word-Power of Prayer

Good Morning!!

Super quick post and about two days late!  Sorry for the delay.  

This week has been one with immense struggles already.  But, I am learning to "count it all joy" when I face my trials and tribulations.  Still trying to figure out what that means, but I do know for certain that I can find comfort in knowing that Christ too experienced trials and tribulations throughout His life and ministry.

Despite all my struggles, I find great peace in coming to my Heavenly Father in prayer.  And not the "laundry list of daily needs" kind of prayer.  Instead, the "Heart Cry, Purging of my Soul" kind of prayer.  When you're feeling overwhelmed and consumed by your struggles, you don't have to bear the weight alone.  Christ says that His yoke is easy and His burden is light, and we can lay down our burdens at the feet of the Lord.  So this week, fall back in love with prayer and reach out to your Heavenly Father.  He loves when His children cry out to Him! 

A Beautiful Song and Prayer!  Enjoy! 

Until Next Time! <3 

Friday, April 4, 2014

Encouraging Word-You're an Overcomer

Hello again!

Quick post to get you started for today.  First, Happy Friday!  You've made it!!  Take a deep breath and remember to give Thanks for what you have been given!

Whatever trials you have experienced this week, your Heavenly Father already won the battle.  Stop struggling to fight them!  Allow yourself to be consumed by His loving embrace, fall into His arms, and rest in His Peace!

Let's Review this weeks themes!

You are well armored!

Each Day is a Precious Gift! 

Your Life is  Precious Gift!

You are Unconditionally Loved!

God's Grace is Long-suffering!

God's Peace is Supernatural!


Through it all, He helps you to OVERCOME the trials and tribulations of this world!  

A song that reminds me that life may knock me down, but God is right there to pick me back up! 


Until Next Time! <3 

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Encouraging Word-Rest in His Peace

Hello again!

It's Thursday, and the week is almost over!!  You're probably tired, frustrated, and ready for the weekend. Don't worry..I am right there with you.  Today has been one of those days.  Everything that can possibly go wrong-does.  You're mentally and emotionally screaming at the top of your lungs-but no one hears you.  You wonder why you bother getting out of bed, when it would have been the safer option to remain under the covers.  These are the days I have to remind myself minute-by-minute to breathe, take a step back, and CHILL OUT! It is easy to be so consumed by the daily stresses and frustrations and lose sight of the blessings in the midst of the hardships.  It's easy to cry out to God with the famous "WHY?!?"  I find it interesting, and perhaps sad, at how quickly we notice the blemishes, mistakes, or negative elements of our lives and/or people, but we struggle to see the beauty all around us.  Why is that?  Why are we so quick to see ALL the negative, but have to use a magnifying glass to see one spec of something magnificent?

Nonetheless, I found myself asking God for PEACE.  PEACE for each moment; PEACE that passes my own personal, finite, human understanding. PEACE that overwhelms my fears, struggles, and failures.  And you know what? God answered my prayer.  It doesn't mean that my day magically got easier; but, it was more manageable and enjoyable, because I wasn't so consumed with all of MY issues but instead placed my TRUST and HOPE in the Lord.

My challenge for you today and the remainder of the week and weekend is to actively SEEK and ASK God's PEACE-even when things seem to be going well.  Jesus said, "Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you will receive it, and it will be yours" (Mark 11:24).  Do not stop praying and communicating with your Heavenly Father.  He longs and desires to have continuous communion with His Beloved!

Until Next Time! <3          

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Encouraging Word-Feel His Grace

Hey There!

Well!  It's Wednesday.  You've made it halfway....only another half to go!  Hang in there!  You're so close! This week so far may have been wonderful and filled with joy OR it could have been the worst one in a while-filled with difficulties.

Yesterday, I challenged you to show LOVE to someone who perhaps isn't a friend or frankly is someone who makes your life miserable.  To LOVE as Christ LOVES us each and every day-even though we are entirely and completely undeserving of such GRACE.  

Ahhhh!  That word..GRACE.  The receiving of something not earned or not deserved.  For me, GRACE is receiving God's LOVE and PARDON even though I am but a lowly sinner.  That concept is something I still struggle with UNCONDITIONALLY accepting; especially, since this world teaches us to give only to receive.  In other words-CONDITIONALLY.  

Today, I challenge you to SHOW GRACE to someone or perhaps several people in your life.  And! Moreover, I challenge you to RECEIVE GRACE today-whether it is from someone you know or simply basking in the glory of God's GRACE towards you!

My favorite Hymn of ALL time!  The words are simple.  BUT! The TRUTH transcends time! 

Until Next Time! <3 


Monday, March 31, 2014

Encouraging Word-Love Dare

Hello again! 

Well! You did it!  Monday is done, and you're still in one piece.  I know some days you're wondering how you made it to the end-but you didn't battle it alone!  God was beside you, in front of  you, behind you, and carrying you along the way.  You were well armored! 

As someone who works in retail, I deal with the public ALL DAY LONG!  They can either be your most adoring fan or your harshest critic.  And!  Their opinions can change in a blink of an eye.  Now, in all honestly, while I generally love to be around people, I don't always LOVE people.  In fact, there are days my feelings borderline on hate.  Yeah, I  know, not my proudest moment!  But, we've all been there.  The place where you are literally rubbed raw, and your last shred of patience just disintegrated.  Where you taste blood in your mouth from the enormous effort to bite your tongue.  It's okay to admit you've been there..we're all human after all.  

But!  Despite the various justifications for my public actions or reactions or my private thoughts and musings, Christ convicts me past my fleshly emotions and rationalizations.  He calls us to love the unlovable and diffuse hate with grace.  We are to love as Christ loves us.  Consider how many times we've cursed, betrayed, and railed against God.  And yet!  Christ still GAVE His life out of LOVE, so we may be joined together with Him in Heaven for eternity.  This was after He was betrayed, mocked, beaten, and crucified.  I know it may seem radically impossible, but it is a ACTIVE CHOICE we can make each and every day.  

I challenge you to love one someone tomorrow; someone who makes you crazy.  I know, you're probably thinking I have finally taken my leave of senses.  But!  I put the challenge out onto the table.  You will never reach anyone through hate, bitterness, or spite.  And, when you're tempted to say or do something you shouldn't, remember the way Jesus Loves YOU-especially in your most unflattering moments.  You may be surprised by the result..but it's a NO until you at least give it a TRY!   

Until Next Time! <3  


Encouraging Word: This is the Day the Lord has Made!

Good morning!!! 

It's Monday, and the week is officially underway.  Your weekend may have been packed with events, activities, trips, or rehearsals.  Or it may have been filled with rest and relaxation.  Either way, I am certain, like myself, you're loathe to see it end and are grumbling that Monday has once again arrived at its usual, inconvenient time.   Despite your displeasure, consider today much like you do the other six days of the week.  

This is the Day the Lord has Made, REJOICE and be GLAD in It!!

Every day, including "Manic Monday," is a gift from our Heavenly Father.  For now, it is unblemished by our mistakes or gilded by our triumphs.  Jump head first into another day of your precious life.  The Lord has big plans for you today!  Are you willing to let Him use you?  

Jeremiah 29:11

Here is one of my favorite Gospel songs ever!  No matter what today brings, the Lord is with you and Loves you!  He will never leave you!  Embrace today!

May the Lord Bless You!

Until Next Time! <3 


Saturday, March 29, 2014

Encouraging Word-Breathe!

Hello My Friends!

I know there are times when the weight of the world feels unbearable-nearly crushing you beneath the pressures you face on a daily basis.  Sometimes you wonder if you'll ever find relief-envying those around you who seem unabashedly carefree.  Take heart, dear one, the storms don't last forever.  Your Heavenly Father promised to always be with you and "never forsake you."  

Psalm 30:5 

 "For His anger is but for a moment, but His favor is for a lifetime or His favor is life.  Weeping may endure for a night, but JOY comes in the morning." 

One of my favorite songs by Mandisa.  The lyrics inspired this post! 

May the Lord Bless You and Keep You...and Give You Peace! 

Until Next Time <3 


Thursday, March 27, 2014

What Binds Us Together!

Hello again!

Finally, I think we are past the worst of this winter!  The most recent mini snow storm was hopefully the last of its kind for this season.  I am tired of freezing in the morning and freezing in the evening. Bring on the flowers and warm breeze!

If there is one thing that I have been joyfully and sometimes painfully made aware of is my adoption status.  People ask me questions about it all the time.  How does it feel?  What was it like growing up in an orphanage?  Do you want to find your birth parents?

As a child, it did not phase me that Mom and Dad were not biologically mine.  They were my parents, plain and simple.  But! As we've all experienced, people can be cruel, and lies mixed with the truth muddy the waters of our security.  Personal, traumatic experiences, as in my case, can also create wounds and scars that are loathe to heal.  Memories become nightmares that haunt you 24 hours a day.  The desire and need to forget consume every thought.

The consequence?  A skewed outlook on what is truly a gift by viewing it as a curse, a blemish, a failure.

It took me nearly 20 years to fully accept the fact that the people I love the most are not connected to me by blood and DNA.  When I looked at them, I saw a community, and I felt like the outsider.  I pulled away in order to protect myself from getting hurt, disappointed, or rejected.  I was afraid they too would see me as the outsider.  Did they make me feel that way?  Absolutely not!  From the first day I was adopted into my family, they loved me and accepted me without reservation.  

Around the age of nine, I began to resent being adopted.  I hated being different.  I did not like feeling disconnected.  As young children and adults, we all long for unity and security.  And, I did not feel that way.  As I was beginning to develop emotionally, spiritually, mentally, etc- I struggled with my identity and being from an entirely different country, culture, and family was certainly not helping.  The word ADOPTION felt like a dirty word; my own personal scarlet letter by which everyone could identify me.

I was much older, in my twenties to be exact, when I started to understand the beauty and gift my biological parents gave me in relinquishing parental rights.  Truth be told, I had not given a second thought to what it must have been like to be in their shoes.  I cannot EVER imagine having to make the heart wrenching choice to let my child go and trusting he or she will be well cared for, loved, and raised in a happy and healthy family environment.  That takes extraordinary selflessness and faith-both of which I failed to consider until I was old enough to appreciate their magnitude.

Furthermore, I never stopped to ponder the sacrifice and struggle my parents endured in the process of trying to adopt.  They sadly, could not have children of their own.  My Mom and Dad suffered heartbreak in the midst of trying to have a family.  For nearly two years, they logged thousands of hours with paper work, phone calls, doctor visits; the list goes on and on.  They paid with  more than just money;  they paid with time, emotions, fear, and most importantly love!

So here is the light bulb moment! I may not be bound to my family by BLOOD or DNA.  I may not have their physical features, laugh, or odd quirks, but there is one thing I definitely have-unconditional LOVE.  Love is what binds us together, and love will remain long after we have all grown up, moved away, had families of our own, and even passed from this earth.  As my mother used to say to me, "You may not have been born from inside my belly, but you were born from the depths of my heart!" 

A Letter I wrote last year...I thought I would share it again with you!

Mama and Dad, You Gave Love to Me!

I wanted to take a moment to praise God and thank Him for blessing me with my precious Mom and Dad!  Today Mom and Dad, I celebrate YOU!  I know I don't tell you nearly enough how much you mean to me, or simply speak the words "I love you!"  

What most of you don't know, I am adopted.  Nearly 22 years ago, I was brought to America when I was 4 1/2 years old and literally placed into the arms of the woman and man who would guide each of my steps.  At the time, I knew them not and wanted nothing to do with them.  But!  I cannot imagine my life without my Mom or Dad, or a better friend with whom to share my joys and sorrows, triumphs and failures!  God knew what He was doing when He gave you to me and me to you!  You are one of my greatest gifts and miracles! 

I also want to thank the woman and man who gave me life.  I don't know you, and more than likely-I never will.  But, you too are in my heart today and always.  Your selfless love is what allowed you to give me up in order to provide me the best chance at a fulfilling future.  I read your letter of love often, and if I could thank you face-to-face, I would--with a hug!  Perhaps one day, I'll see you in Heaven, and I'll get to thank you in person.  Until then, I pray you are Blessed, that God is the center of your life, and that you have been blessed with more children-my brothers and sisters.  I didn't always understand why you made the choice to let me go, but I can only pray, if placed in the same situation, I would love as profoundly as you! 

To all of the mothers and fathers in the world here on earth and in Heaven, may you be celebrated, cherished, and remembered today.  For those of you reading this blog, take a extra moment today to let Mom and Dad know what they mean to you!  To all the parents who have adopted children; Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!! You have given the greatest gift possible-YOU!     

Finally, to those agencies and free agents who give of their time and love to help place children with loving families..Thank YOU!  You are not recognized nearly enough!  To those who help reunite separated families...Thank  YOU!  You help mend what had once been broken!  God Bless YOU! <3  


In all honestly, I think, we as Christians struggle, at one point or another in our walk, with the same identity crisis.  As sinners, we are separated from the Pure Holiness of our Heavenly Father. Essentially, we are orphans wandering about in a strange, cold, and unforgiving world.  But like the adoption agency and advocates that worked closely with my parents to secure my adoption, Jesus secured our adoption into God's Family through His Death and Resurrection.  That was the payment needed in order for us to no longer be orphans but instead, sons and daughters of the King of Kings.  

The Bible discusses in length about the beauty, prevalence, and importance of adoption both literally and spiritually.  Here are some of my favorite verses. 

Romans 8:14-16

"For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God.  So  you have not received a spirit that makes you fearful slaves.  Instead,  you received God's Spirit when He ADOPTED you as His own children.  Now we call Him 'Abba Father,' for His spirit joins with our spirit to affirm that we are God's children."   

Psalm 68:5

"Father to the fatherless, defender of widows- this is God, whose dwelling is holy.  God places the lonely in families; he sets the prisoners free and gives them joy." 

Matthew 18:5

"And anyone who welcomes a little child like this on my behalf is welcoming me." 

I know how easy it is to struggle with understanding, accepting, and resting in the knowledge that Christ loves us no matter what we have done or where we have been.  We isolate ourselves in fear of being disappointed, hurt, abandoned, vulnerable, etc.  I STILL struggle with it from time-to-time.   

However, despite it all, one thing remains constant-God's love.  He promises to never "leave us or forsake us," "there is no shadow of turning with Him," and "He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow."  We are the ones who run away, turn away, and isolate. Let us stop fighting the arms that envelop us, the love that uplifts us, and the grace that sustains us.  Do NOT let it be decades, days, or seconds before allowing yourself to be loved and cherished.  Being adopted is the greatest gift you have ever received-so RECEIVE IT! 

Until Next Time! <3