Sunday, May 11, 2014

God Bless Mothers!!

Hello again!

First, I have to say, what an absolutely stunning day!!!  When I woke up this morning to a gorgeously bright sun, birds chirping, and a warm breeze, I was overwhelmed by the beauty of God's creation. Overwhelmed to tears of joy and thankfulness.  What a perfect day for Mother's Day.

I just want to take a moment to lift up an extra Prayer of Thanks for the blessing of my Mom.  I know I don't tell her nearly enough how much she means to me.  I know I don't express my gratitude for the sacrifices she's made over the years nearly as often as I should.  I know I don't tell her "I Love You" nearly enough times in a day.  So today, I am making sure to do it all.  

Mother's Day is a wonderful reminder and celebration of the blessing and gift of our Moms.  However, it shouldn't begin and end here.  Sure, it's nice to give Mom a bouquet of flowers, cook her favorite meal, send her to a spa, and shower her to love and admiration.  After all, she deserves it!  But!  Let's not stop giving thanks for Mom after today is finished.  Let's make sure to let her know how cherished and treasured she is 24/7, 365 days, and 52 weeks in a year.  

And for those of you who have lost your Mom, my thoughts and prayers are with you today.  I know today is emotionally difficult, but instead of dwelling in sorrow; take time to remember and cherish the precious memories you DO have of your Mother.  While she may not be here physically, her love lives on through you, and her hand print is forever embossed on your heart! 

Also!  I want to give a shout-out to all of  my extra "Moms" who God has so graciously placed in my life.  From my boss at work, to my wise sisters in Christ, to my favorite seamstress, and my bible study leaders; you all play an important role in mentoring, guiding, and loving me throughout my life.  Thank you for standing beside me, listening to me when I need an ear, holding my hand in times of struggle, holding me accountable when I am out of line, and most importantly-loving me unconditionally!  Today, I celebrate the gift you are to me!! 

God Bless all the Moms out there!  Today, we celebrate YOU!! 

Until Next Time! <3 

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