Pray you are doing well and braving this cold weather! Cannot wait for warmer temperatures-and I LOVE that's saying something!
Mark 11:24 says, "Therefore I tell you, you can pray for anything, and if you believe you've received it, it will be yours."
These words offer the comforting truth of God's promise of faithfulness, but they also hold great responsibility for those who pray. God answers our prayers with a Yes, No, or Not Now.
Last year, not long after my accident, I made the "mistake" of praying for PATIENCE. Not that Patience is a bad thing, because believe me, it is VERY GOOD. It is, after all, one of the Fruits of the Spirit. Sadly for me, it is not one of my ripest fruits! I was not prepared for the numerous ways the Lord stretched, molded, and challenged me in regards to my grotesque lack of PATIENCE. You want to talk about spiritual growing pains? Ouch!
As many of you know, I started 2013 with a severe car accident that left me out of work for nearly two months.
Patience Test #1.
While I was out of work, I had to go to Physical Therapy three times a week for a month. It was not only physically exhausting, but mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. It was tough waiting for my body to heal and frustration was my mindset most days. I didn't think I would ever recover enough to get back to my life both career wise and personally. Nevertheless, God taught me to be Patient with myself, my body, and my doctors. He also taught me that physical strength is not enough-and I learned to lean on the promise that "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Holding onto that promise on the days I wanted to cry and give up, kept me going and pushing forward. Even a year later, I am not back 100%. BUT! I pray for God to be my strength each day, and He is!
I had recently graduated from college, and was disheartened by the lack of jobs available in my field, which is Education, in case you didn't know. I was heartbroken to discover several years later that I no longer desired to teach. I felt I had wasted four and a half precious years of time and money on an education I would not be able to use. I waited two long years, after graduation, for God to give me clarity and direction, and all I received during my prayers were "Trust in the Lord with all your Heart; lean not on your own understanding," and "Be still and know that I am God." I must admit, I was not feeling very trusting and was VERY impatient for direction. I often complained to God, asking why He was making me wait, and I received this back. "You asked for Patience; I am going to show you how to be Patient." In those two years of waiting, and not very well mind you, I was blessed with a managerial position at a college Barnes and Noble. It's not exactly my dream job, but I work with amazing people, many who are Believers, and I do get to use a lot of my skills learned in college. Where I go from here, only God knows.
I am reminded how God changed the directions of many of His people. Two people in particular stick out in my mind.
1. Moses was living the posh life as Pharaoh's son, and God called him to fight against the man he once called Father, in order to free God's people from slavery.
2. Saul was an avid hater of Christians, because he believed so strongly in the traditional Jewish Laws. However, God changed his life one day, and he did a complete 180*. He became Paul, which means Humble, and was used by God to share the gospel to many nations throughout the remainder of his lifetime.
When I am tempted to complain to God about hardships, trials, and struggles of this life, I delve into His Word to remind myself of His promises.
I am also reminded of many people God challenged with the test of Patience.
1. Abraham and Sarah waited 90 years for the birth of their son Isaac. 90 years!!
2. Moses waited 40 years in the desert to reach the Promised Land. 40 years!!
3. Joseph spend 13 years in prison before he was released and made second in command of Egypt. 13 years!!
4. Noah spent nearly 80 years building the Ark. 80 years!!
5. Paul spend nearly 6 years in prison during his ministry. 6 years!!
Patience Test #2
I had recently graduated from college, and was disheartened by the lack of jobs available in my field, which is Education, in case you didn't know. I was heartbroken to discover several years later that I no longer desired to teach. I felt I had wasted four and a half precious years of time and money on an education I would not be able to use. I waited two long years, after graduation, for God to give me clarity and direction, and all I received during my prayers were "Trust in the Lord with all your Heart; lean not on your own understanding," and "Be still and know that I am God." I must admit, I was not feeling very trusting and was VERY impatient for direction. I often complained to God, asking why He was making me wait, and I received this back. "You asked for Patience; I am going to show you how to be Patient." In those two years of waiting, and not very well mind you, I was blessed with a managerial position at a college Barnes and Noble. It's not exactly my dream job, but I work with amazing people, many who are Believers, and I do get to use a lot of my skills learned in college. Where I go from here, only God knows.
I am reminded how God changed the directions of many of His people. Two people in particular stick out in my mind.
1. Moses was living the posh life as Pharaoh's son, and God called him to fight against the man he once called Father, in order to free God's people from slavery.
2. Saul was an avid hater of Christians, because he believed so strongly in the traditional Jewish Laws. However, God changed his life one day, and he did a complete 180*. He became Paul, which means Humble, and was used by God to share the gospel to many nations throughout the remainder of his lifetime.
Patience Test #3
My greatest test of patience during this past year has been waiting for my graduate school letter of either acceptance or denial. I applied to a school in Florida last May for the Speech and Language Pathology Masters Program. What should have been only a four month wait, at the most mind you, has spanned nearly NINE months. Now, for those of you who know me, understand how difficult this has been. I am TERRIBLE at waiting. Even as a child, I always wanted to be first to complete presentations and as a performer, I hate going last. Over these past nine months, I have experienced a paralyzing sense of fear of not getting accepted and feeling like a failure. I have begged God to speed up the process, but alas,He didn't answer my prayer for a speedy result. Instead, He remained faithful to my prayer for PATIENCE.
Update on grad school. I had my interview about two weeks ago, and it went really well. I should know the final result by the end of February.
When I am tempted to complain to God about hardships, trials, and struggles of this life, I delve into His Word to remind myself of His promises.
I am also reminded of many people God challenged with the test of Patience.
1. Abraham and Sarah waited 90 years for the birth of their son Isaac. 90 years!!
2. Moses waited 40 years in the desert to reach the Promised Land. 40 years!!
3. Joseph spend 13 years in prison before he was released and made second in command of Egypt. 13 years!!
4. Noah spent nearly 80 years building the Ark. 80 years!!
5. Paul spend nearly 6 years in prison during his ministry. 6 years!!
In all honestly, I joke when I say be careful for what you pray. God longs for us to come to Him with our fears, hurts, anger, and greatest desires. Don't ever stop seeking out the Lord with your desires, needs, fears, etc.
God is a God of Faithfulness, Love, Mercy, Grace, and Truth. I will never stop coming to Him in prayer and have no doubt I will probably pray for PATIENCE several more times in this life. Whatever God uses to teach me life's lessons, I will give thanks with a grateful heart!
Pray you are blessed in this upcoming week. Seek the Lord in all things! <3
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