Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The Proof is In.....

Hello Everyone!!!  

Gosh it has been far, far too long since I've last written.  Forgive me!!  These past couple of months have been challenging and exhausting in more ways than I was prepared for.  God is definitely using these hours and days to refine and mold me, and frankly, it's been a rather painful journey.  NOT complaining mind you; just simply reflecting and sharing in the small and big things He's doing in my life.  

Hope you are doing well and are blessed, in ALL things!!!  This is definitely a hard lesson I've been forced to learn.  And I've not exactly been a very willing pupil....stubborn and defiant is more like it.  Like a child, discipline is never easy and let's be honest, it's not something we seek either!  But!  In the end, it is a BLESSING....even if we get bumps and bruises along the way.  

Thought I would share a few poetry pieces I've written over the last few days.  I have shared some of my poetry before in earlier posts. Along with general blogging and narrative writing, I also love just jotting down a few lines of prose.  Nothing fancy, nothing perfect...just a dialogue between God and myself, my heart and my head, the pen and the paper.  

Never be afraid to let your heart song whatever way that is for you.  For me it's singing and writing.  For you it could be painting, drawing, hiking, fill in the blank.  Take those moments and draw in every precious moment.  

Sometimes the greatest joys in life are found in the seemingly insignificant moments.  Learn to find blessings in every moment and when  you've done so, you've started the blessed journey of LIVING! 

If Only You Knew

If only you knew what you do to me.
How I see you, to the very depths of your soul.
How I cry for you when you’re hurt.
How I get angry when injustice is your fate.
How I pray for you when trials become too burdensome.
How I love you, even though you’ll never love me back.
If only you knew what you do to me.
But you won’t, because you don’t see me. 
Now I know how Jesus feels…..


I constantly complain I don’t feel You near,
Accuse You of forsaking me in my time of need.
But You remind me of Your presence,
Through the early moments of the rising sun,
When the world is peaceful and still.
Through the chirping of the birds,
The most beautifully composed symphony,
Filling my heart with Your Heavenly song.
Through the colors of the flowers,
Their radiant hues splashed across nature’s canvas.
Their fragrance, the purest of perfumes.
Through the kindness of a stranger,
A warm smile that speaks a thousand words,
Telling of the heart deep within.
So when I am tempted to complain I don’t feel You near,
Open my eyes to see, my ears to hear, and my heart to listen,
For even my very breath is proof Your presence lies deep within. 

Until Next Time <3 

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